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7th grade Unit 2 Magnet

TED Talk that not only metions Kalamazoo but also many of the facets that are being utilized in hopes of a better and more accessible tomorrow… If you read through the comments, even Mayor Hopewell wanted to be connected to the effort  =)

Life Expectancy Chart Worldwide

Resources for Constitution Day

  1. Here is the access for United Streaming for the Constitution video, “Future Fright: Losing the Bill of Rights”.
    • username and password are both: asperry1
    • Download and save the movie file to your desktop as you will be able rewind and fast forward if needed. It is 24 minutes long, but the kids will be hooked. There is a quiz that accompanies it. Feel free to give it to them while they watch. They are always upset because it doesn’t really have an ending. You could even have them  give it an ending. 
  2. Here is the access for Brain Pop: 
    • username: wpine
    • password: school

Great Websites to inspire your students/kids/family/friends!

Take a look as these sites… tons of stuff you can use, even if it’s just for yourself.

Spanish Casta System

Formative organizer for S.S. smart goals and persuasive writings.

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Mr. Warner 8th grade Social Studies

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